Saturday, November 12, 2005

Being Honest with those who work with you and for you

I have a boss who likes to say that he will never lie to those who work for him or with him when asked a question.

He likes to say that:

  1. If he knows the answer and can tell you he will
  2. If he does not know the answer he will tell you that he does not know
  3. If he knows the answer and he can't tell you then he will tell you that he knows the answer but can't tell you
I admire this individual and find this is one the reasons that I admire and respect him and this is one of the things that I want to emulate and you should as well.

There is never any reason to lie to anyone. When you lie someone, somewhere, somehow will find out and you will be embarassed or worse fired. It is also much easier to remember the truth as it is real whereas trying to remember a lie will tax your memory.

And the bottom line is that when you tell a lie you are making a mistake. You are betraying the trust of the person you are telling the lie to and you are impeaching your own integrity.

So be honest and you will respect yourself and others will respect you as well.


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