Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Interviewing/Hiring Frustration

One frustration that I experienced during this process was being told "you don't have enough management experience". While that is what I was told I'm sure there is more to it than that as some individuals can master a skill in a very short period of time while others can take much longer so requiring 'x' years in a skill or position to achieve mastery may be setting the bar too high or too low depending on the individual.

I believe in being open and honest and would have felt better if I'd been told that I didn't get a position because of 'x' or 'y'. Then I'd be able to work on improving either 'x' or 'y' but as it stands the only thing I can work on is tenure which appears to not be in the cards for management at this point.

I would encourage everyone who is in a position to decide on hiring to be honest and candid with those candidates that you turn down. Finding someone that is a better fit is great but tell the other candidates where they didn't fit - take a few minutes and help them know what they need to work on. You will be a big encouragement to them if you present it in a positive and encouraging manner and you will feel good because you didn't just slam the door on someone but you showed them the door and gave them some direction.

Leaving the world of Management

Because of the recent reorg and my opportunity to once again seek a new job it would appear that a position in management is not in the cards - at least not right away. I have been offered and have accepted a position as an individual contributor and will start that position on January 2, 2007.

I have really enjoyed my time in management and believe I learned a lot while contributing to the success of both my team and my manager and at some point in the future I hope to have that opportunity once again.

The status of this blog right now is that I plan to keep it open and on a random basis I will make continue to add my ramblings on management but this time from that of one under management.