Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Interviewing/Hiring Frustration

One frustration that I experienced during this process was being told "you don't have enough management experience". While that is what I was told I'm sure there is more to it than that as some individuals can master a skill in a very short period of time while others can take much longer so requiring 'x' years in a skill or position to achieve mastery may be setting the bar too high or too low depending on the individual.

I believe in being open and honest and would have felt better if I'd been told that I didn't get a position because of 'x' or 'y'. Then I'd be able to work on improving either 'x' or 'y' but as it stands the only thing I can work on is tenure which appears to not be in the cards for management at this point.

I would encourage everyone who is in a position to decide on hiring to be honest and candid with those candidates that you turn down. Finding someone that is a better fit is great but tell the other candidates where they didn't fit - take a few minutes and help them know what they need to work on. You will be a big encouragement to them if you present it in a positive and encouraging manner and you will feel good because you didn't just slam the door on someone but you showed them the door and gave them some direction.


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