Saturday, November 12, 2005

Who you are

You have to be real and be who you are both for your own sanity and for the sake of those who you work with. A phony will be spotted a light year away.

For me this means remembering that I am a follower of Jesus Christ, also known as Yshua HaMashiach, who is the living Son of God who came to Earth to be born a child, live a sinless life, minister, then die on a cross for my sins and yours, and after three days to rise again to live forever at the right hand of the Father.

I believe the Bible is the inspired word of the Lord and it is 100% accurate in every word in the original languages. When I study the Bible I use several translations, all of which are considered very accurate to the original (I prefer the English Standard Version or ESV but also use the New American Standard (NASB) and the King James Version).

I believe you have to confess your sins (for we are all sinners) to the Lord and ask forgiveness and confess that Jesus is both the Son of God and God incarnate. The mystery of the triune God is one that I believe in and one that I will fully understand when I stand before Him one day.

Note that while we are all sinners we can all be saved - does that mean we will never sin again - no it does not. But it does mean that if you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior that you will not face eternal damnation in Hell but will spend eternity in Heaven.

Because I hold these beliefs they directly affect how I treat others.


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